This is one of the favorite Art Workshops in which we create our own dot painting in acrylics! I'll lead a short a meditation to get you focused and inspired. Then I'll guide you through the process. Each person will find their unique painting style and get a chance to share their thoughts about the experience in this Art for the Soul Workshop. I will be offering this workshop probably in March of this year 2023. You can either start a new painting or finish one previously started. I may also offer a part 2 for those of you who need more time.
3 hours
Limit 8
Ever wanted to have a special journal for specific purposes? In this Art for the Soul Workshop you will create a cover for a special journal using hand made papers, photographic images, tissue paper and more. As with many of my Art Workshops you will find the process fun, easy and very meditative.
2 hours
Limit 12
Art for the Soul Workshop participants are surprised and amazed that they were able to create a unique piece of art! They consistently find the experience relaxing and fun, often bonding with their neighbors. They also are intrigued by how expressive their work is and how it reveals feelings and thoughts which were unknown to them. It is my delight to watch people unfold through my Art Workshops.